Zamfara: Rep sponsors marriages of 105 orphan girls

The member representing Bungudu/Maru Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, Abdulmalim Zubairu, has sponsored the marriage of 105 orphan girls whose parents were killed by bandits in Zamfara State.

Speaking at the marriage ceremony, Zubairu said that a committee of Ulamas and five women from the constituency was constituted for the program.

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According to the federal lawmaker, the criteria for the marriage was that the beneficiaries must be orphans as a result of insecurity. They must also be virgins, and not widows.

“The committee identified 105 orphan girls who are not widows but lost their parents to bandits’ attacks in the constituency,” he added.

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The lawmaker provided the orphan girls with beds, chairs and undisclosed amount of money to enable them establish their marriages and live happily.

DAILY POST reports that mass weddings is a common tradition in northern Nigeria, aimed at supporting parents who cannot afford to marry out their daughters due to economic hardship.

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However, in recent times, the tradition has faced a lot of criticisms.

Zamfara: Rep sponsors marriages of 105 orphan girls


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