UNIZIK SAGA: Ex-Nat’l Students President, Comrd. Ekemini David speaks on Deteriorating Values

UNIZIK SAGA: Ex-Nat'l students president, Comrd. Ekemini David speaks on deteriorating values.

ON THE UNIZIK SAGA: My 2 cent as a rising authority in academia and a Nigerian Youth – E.N.David.ftrcn


We are gradually degenerating into a loosed moral society. I can’t believe grown-ups would justify outright insult on an elderly person from a girl young enough to be the man’s third child, because of a TikTok video, done at an inappropriate place, at an inappropriate time, in an institution of higher learning. Just because the lecturer insisted he should be excused to go about his business.

I have been a bachelors student and I am already a PG school student, even at Doctoral level, lecturers are respected even by students older than them or their mates. If you won’t regard a lecturer for any reason, respect the fact that it’s not a mean task studying to be addressed as an academic Doctor or to even rise through the demanding academic system or ranks in any public university in the world.

It is even worrisome to find people suggest scholarships for the girl. I have no issue with scholarships, but isn’t it defeating that scholarships are now rewards for broken values and characters? What exactly are we teaching the new generation? be woke, untamed and insolent, you’ll earn foreign scholarships?

If our schools do not adjust individual characters desirably as part of the wholesome learning process, then we’ve failed. As expected of a framed public, always believing that anytime it has to do with a female student and male lecturer, it must be that attempts on advances were made and one wonders, advances to sensitively touch a girl in an eye-stucked public?

It is cultural and very moral to respect elders in this clime. If this reality is a difficult one to keep up with, then leave the institution.


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